West Africa

This part of Africa was a big question mark for me. Before I took this trip, I had no idea what to expect. I could barely name a few countries in West Africa. When I bought flight tickets to The Gambia, immediately I started discovering new stories that I didn’t believe that existed. For 2 weeks, the clock stopped. As many say, in Africa time doesn’t exist. You just need to detach yourself from the things that you learned and were used to at home. People at home said I was crazy to choose such a destination. After I got back, they knew they were wrong. All it takes is a leap of faith. 4 countries were finally on my list : The Gambia, Liberia, Sierra Leone and Senegal. Every country has something special. But the common thing that I discovered there were the people. Never in my life I seen such poverty and really hard conditions to live, but still people were more wiser, hard-working and especially really friendly. Almost all of our days spent there, we were never alone, a local was always there with us helping us and watching our back. Returning home I had only one thought: “I need to go back!

Yelleh, Turtle Islands - Sierra Leone

Yelleh, Turtle Islands – Sierra Leone

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