About Me

My name is Alex and I want to share with you my experiences from my travels around the world.

Just imagine a guy standing, in a room of only 4 sq meters, with no windows, no internet, no books, no magazines, no television, no nothing. This is how I felt before my first trip abroad.


It was August 2010 when I first left Romania. I was only 22 years old. My godmother living in France for a couple of years invited me to spend some time in Paris and I just couldn’t refuse. I was supposed to finish my bachelor degree in that period, but instead I went to France. It wasn’t easy to take a week off from work also. Back then I was working in a call centre for America Online and as in every call center there were few staff available for work in the period.  I had an argument with my boss and my manager, but somehow in the end all turned out to be as I wanted. Since then I travelled in more then 30 countries, but still I seen just a tiny part of what’s there.  I’m hungry for more.

Feel free to contact me outside the blog at:

e-mail : alexandru.ciinaru@gmail.com
phone# : +40730024602

Also if you’re looking for a place to stay in Bucharest, you can send me a couch request at my CouchSufing profile.

Travel Map

So far, but still in progress…


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