Southeast Asia

South-east Asia is simply something different. It’s a mix of eastern religions and traditions that some of us still try to understand. From the dusty Bangladesh to the wealthy Singapore and the stunning beaches of Malaysia, from the greatness of the Taj Mahal in India to the ancient Buddhist temples of Nepal, I tried to just get a glimpse of what South-east Asia can offer. But there were only 2 weeks. But I got knowledge and wisdom for more then a life time. It’s an ancient world colliding with the 21st century. Places of worship for hundreds or thousands of years suddenly become tourist attractions. Buddhism, Hinduism, Brahmanism, Islam and many others create different beliefs, but one seems to remain the same : life is unique for every living being on earth. This journey has helped me discover places and people that I couldn’t believe they exist.

People celebrating Saraswati (सरस्वती), goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science, on the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh

People celebrating Saraswati (सरस्वती), goddess of knowledge, music, arts and science, on the streets of Dhaka, Bangladesh

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